b'Your Canadian Architectural Sign Distributor!REFLECTION R E PF305WAITING Decora\x00ve Insert withGenerously Donated by Tac\x00le Room NumberThe Smith Founda\x00on STANDARD FEATURES1. SIGN FRAME - High quality aluminum 6063 6. BACKPLATE- 3mm Thick aluminum 3mm deep, brushed nish. 7. LOGO/GRAPHICS - Can be digitally printed,2. COVER PANEL - 5mm Thick acrylic panelvinyl applied or tac\x00le applica\x00on locked in place with set screw; gloss or non-glare. Finish op\x00ons: Paint or digital 8. GREEN - Our products u\x00lize recycledprint on surface or subsurface of panel. aluminum which ensures the durability andMaterial Op\x00ons: Photopolymer, metal longevity of our products. laminate or other material.DESIGN OPTIONS: Read Our Green Story Online!3. RAISED TEXT - Colour to be selected4.BRAILLE APPLICATION - Raster Braille5. INSERT TEXT/GRAPHICS - Digitally printed or vinyl applied to surface or sub-surfaceMirtec Catalogue www.mirteccanada.com | 1-888-222-3004 Page 2'